What do we deliver?

Consultancy, research and training

underpinned by specialist knowledge, professionalism
& decades of experience.

What do we deliver?

Consultancy, research and training

underpinned by specialist knowledge, professionalism
& decades of experience.

Despite an increased awareness that more girls and women may be autistic than previously thought, professionals and other general practitioners including teachers, GPs, social workers, health visitors, employers, police… may not always have had access to the kind of training or experience that would support their work effectively when they come into contact with autistic women or girls.

They may not recognise autism in non-typically presenting individuals, including some autistic boys and men, and other minority genders too, or be aware of some of their specific challenges and needs – and assets and abilities too!

Why is it important?

Because without the knowledge to underpin professional service strategy or delivery, and without the self-knowledge to underpin a sense of self identity and tools for self-care, many autistic girls and women are failing to access their education, to meet their full potential, to access their human rights in terms of employment, healthcare, social inclusion and legal protection and we all lose as a consequence. 


We welcome enquiries for training, conference presentations and partnership work. 2021-2022, services have been delivered to India, Seville, Singapore, UK-wide including Shetland Isles.

If you are seeking training, workshop delivery, consultancy, research, partnership project work, no matter where in the world, please contact AID.

Training, Research, Consultancy

Building a positive narrative

Autism is often presented in stereotypical and very negative terms. That negative language and stereotyping can cause a great deal of damage to the sense of self, mental health and wellbeing for the individual young person or adult. I have worked passionately for years to change the language and perceptions of autism, especially as effects girls, women and their families.

When women begin to identify either their daughter or themselves as having autism traits it may be difficult to have family or friends understand, as there is still so little available information. 

Not only professionals and practitioners but employers, management and colleagues may need specialist knowledge and practical advice and support to add to their inclusive work practices from recruitment to line management. Making the kinds of accommodations and ‘reasonable adjustments’ that make the workplace more effective for all, is often much simpler and less resource-heavy than you might think!

What I Offer

I offer my knowledge and expertise to promote improved understanding, inclusion and services.

I will coach and guide you towards developing greater awareness and understanding, offer strategies for improving the quality of life for individuals and families, raise the knowledge-base of your organisation or business, sign-post you to further appropriate support, services or individuals.




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